·關於音樂: 我們有非常專業的老師,畢業於悉尼音樂學院、四川音樂學院鋼琴演奏和聲樂專業。我們專門教授鋼琴,唱歌,視唱練耳,音樂理論。 我們是AMEB註冊教師,具有十多年的教學經驗。我們的學生在AMEB考試和比賽中取得了優異的成績。
·關於珠寶: 我們的設計師是家族珠寶生意,經過認證的 IGI 寶石學家。珍珠和有色寶石鑑定師。她擁有多年的珠寶設計經驗,專門提供高級珠寶定制。 我們還提供澳寶、珍珠和各種有色寶石的批發。
Our studio is mainly engaged in music teaching,jewellery design,wholesale pearls , opals and colour gemstones.
·About Music: We have very professional teachers who graduated from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Sichuan Conservatorium of Music, majoring in piano performance and vocal. We are specialised in teaching Piano ,Singing, Aural, Music theory.AMEB registered teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience. Our students had excellent results in AMEB exams and competitions.
·About Jewellery: Our designer is a certified IGI gemologist.Pearl and coloured gemstone appraiser. She has many years of jewelry design experience, specializing in providing fine jewelry customization. We also offer wholesale of opals, pearls and all types of coloured gemstones.
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